Greetings from Eskişehir

Anadolu 6

Hello everyone!, we’re the team from Anadolu University in Eskişehir/Turkey: Yunus Tabakoğlu, Serap Ünlükumaş, Mehmet Can Özer and Elif Yılmaz.

We have been working on a programme focused on sustainable energy from the perspective of children. It’s been an interesting experience for us.

So here is our programme. We hope that you’ll enjoy it.

See you in March 🙂

 Anadolu 5 Anadolu 4  Anadolu 1 Anadolu 3

9 thoughts on “Greetings from Eskişehir”

  1. Dear people from Eskisehir

    I’m afraid I have to give you the same message I gave our Spanish radiostudents. Here in Belgium we’re in the middle of the examinations, that’s why the Flemish students haven’t had time to listen to your pilot or send a reaction. We will do this as soon as possible, and certainly in the week of 28/1. I myself am going to listen to your programme with great curiosity and enthusiasm next week. I do like your photographs, they really show that radiomaking can be fun!
    Kind regards, see you in Antwerp!

    Nadia Vissers
    coordinator IP Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerp

  2. Hi friends from Turkey, I`m Auxi from Valencia! Congratulations for yor pilot programme it`s quite interesting! I loved the story! Your focus on children is magnificent! Looking forward meeting you in Belgium!

  3. Dear Friends from Turkey,

    Your programme is artistic and your approach to the topic is interesting!
    Manuela Manliher, Sofia

  4. Dear students from Eskisehir

    I finally found the time to listen to your pilot and so did my students. They’ll probably post their evaluations this week.

    I really enjoyed your artistic and creative programme and think you clearly showed that radio is ‘the theatre of the mind’, a medium with which you can really play and create. You used nice tunes and original genres (story, quizz, selfmade songs, …). The presenters sound very natural and spontaneous and they do explain the theme carefully. The interview with the professor about sustainable energy was very thorough and informative.
    You approach was very original and I think this programme will work beautifully with the target group of younger children.

    I’m going to say the same thing as I said to the other students:
    The Turkish way of radiomaking is of course different from Belgian radiojournalism; to find out these differences we precisely organise the IP-days. You’ll hear soon enough that our pilot will sound completely different and use more music for example. But these differences are exactly what it is all about!

    I really look forward to working in mixed international teams and see how we deal with the intercultural differences in radiomaking.

    Great work, see you soon!

    Nadia Vissers
    Coordinator IP Plantijn Antwerp

  5. Hello from Sofia!

    We, the Sofia Team, really liked your pilot. It was different from anything we’ve expected to hear. But it was really a pleasant surprise.

    We want to congratulate you for the choice of the music (‘Earth Song’ by Michael Jackson is very suitable in this case), your great technical skills and your English pronunciation – you all sound great and have radiophonic voices.

    Maybe what is most precious in your pilot is your way of explaining everything. In the beginning it was more like listening to a fairy tale. The sound effects (like the rain) give the listeners the chance to imagine pictures in their minds. What is great about your pilot is that is sounds like chilling afternoon show but it points some pretty serious problems.

    We find the idea of creating a show for an audience of children original. However it would be interesting not only for the youngest listeners. Congrats for the end of the show. We know that interviewing a child is not an easy job.

    We are looking forward to meeting you in Belgium!

    Kind regards!

    Sofia Team

  6. I totally love the start up music! It make me alert in the early morning. Haha. The background music are also good, it enhanses the right feeling and make it serious when it should be more dramatic. That’s why I think you succeeded with the “younger style” on the programme. It captures everyone, even if we dosen’t have the knowledge before listening. Congratulations to a really good structure! Nice choice of subjects too.

    Now I looking forward even more to meet you all i Antwerp! I’m sure it will be two magical weeks, awesome work with you pilot programme, you should be proud of it! Soon we will make one more programme together!

    See ya soon, smile and shine!

  7. José Ángel Cuadrado

    Hello turkish friends,

    All of my mates were surprised by the story you used in half of your programme for children. It,s very original and I congratulate you for such an idea.

    See you soon!!!!!

  8. Team Antwerp

    Hi there, Turkey!

    We want to congratulate you on your very creative pilot! We are looking forward to sharing our ideas with your original approaches, so we can create a new and fun programme about sustainability.

    We hope you’re happy to know we’ve also already made plans for you to visit the city of Antwerp and all of its beautiful places, so you can immediately feel like home 🙂 !

    See you soon!

  9. Team Antwerp

    PS: If you have got any requests of places you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to visit, please let us know! It is our pleasure!


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