Valencia team pilot

Hello everybody!

As we promised, here is our radio programme!

You can download in mp3 in this link or you can listen to it in this Youtube link.

We hope you like it. Best regards!


We have changed a little bit the beginning of our programme and we think that we have improved the pilot. So, if you want, you can listen the new version from this link.



10 thoughts on “Valencia team pilot”

  1. Hello colleagues,
    I want to mention the promissing begging of our project”Europe On AiR” with Valencia Team Pilot.
    I look forward to hear with deep interest the following radio programmes. Sofia team goes on cultural politics in Europe.
    Kind regards,
    Manuela Manliher

  2. Dear people from Valencia

    Here in Belgium we’re in the middle of the examinations, that’s why the Flemish students haven’t had time to listen to your pilot or send a reaction. We will do this as soon as possible, and certainly in the week of 28/1. Thank you for being so brave to start with the first pilot! I myself am going to listen to your programme with great curiosity and enthusiasm next week.
    Kind regards, see you in Antwerp!

    Nadia Vissers
    coordinator IP Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerp

  3. Hello Spanish radiostudents

    I listened to your pilot this week and I really want to congratulate you with the indepth general knowledge you have gathered about sustainability, the European policies and the Spanish situation.
    I do think the presenters were very enthusiastic and spontaneous and it was a brilliant idea to ask the listeners for their opinion and post it on the website. Also your vox pops were very interactive.
    The Spanish way of radiomaking is of course different from Belgian radiojournalism; to find out these differences we precisely organise the IP-days. You’ll hear soon enough that our pilot will sound completely different and use more music for example. But these differences are exactly what it is all about!

    I have to admit that sometimes I couldn’t understand everything in detail because the most important aspect to understand a foreign language is to put the wordstresses where you would expect them. And here your Spanish is really making it difficult for you. By the way: you also solved the annoying translation problem well through the English dubbing.

    The Flemish students promised me to post their evaluations this week, so you’ll be able to check their commentaries.

    I really look forward to working in mixed international teams and see how we deal with the intercultural differences in radiomaking.

    See you soon!

    Nadia Vissers
    Coordinator IP Plantijn Antwerp

  4. Dear colleagues,

    We, all members of Sofia Team, want to congratulate you for your pilot.

    We want to highlight two of your ideas that according to us are really good:
    – talking directly to your listeners and asking to share their opinions about the problems that are being discussed; if you receive some interesting points of view, they can be used during our future work in Antwerp;
    – interviewing the two Erasmus students who share some information about situation in Germany and Senegal and then talking about what is going on in Spain.

    We found interesting the interview with Victor Garcia (we hope this is how it should be written) and especially the “Smart houses” he talks about.

    We really liked some of the songs included in you show so we’d really appreciate it if you share links with the music you’ve used.

    We are all looking forward to meeting you and working together.

    Kind regards!

    Sofia Team

    1. Some of the songs that we used were:
      -Macaco- Mamá Tierra
      -Macaco- Moving
      – Fito y Fitipaldis- Antes de que cuente diez
      – Laura Pausini- Hermana Tierra
      – Lacrosse- You can’t say no forever
      – Moda y Jarabe de palo- Come un pittore

      See you soon, Teresa.

  5. Hi friends in Valencia:D

    I am Serap, from Anadolu University team/ Turkey. I really had fun while listening your programme:) I want to congraculate you for dealing with the different aspects of sustainability such as ecological food, building and transportation.. I also liked the woxpops with erasmus students.. your mentioning the Kyoto Potocol is a very good point as well. By the way, I want to confess that although the spanish accent is a little bit difficult to understand, it is really fun for me, I like it:)) For the last, your programme made me fell like I am listening an alive programme because u are all very natural and sincere:)) I’m looking forward to meet u all in Antwerp adios:D

    Serap Ünlükumaş/ Turkey

  6. Woha, woha, great programme spanish friends! I really like your pondus while you’re talking. And it’s quite amazing when all of you sing, perfect ice breaker. That thing make me even more addicted to you pilot programme.

    Important subjects, interwiews and debats… I think your angle is something for all countries to think about. After listen to this I feeling I like I have to do something. Love how you involved me in this. It will be so fun to meet you and talk about this and so much more!

    Take care, smile and shine!

  7. Dear colleagues,
    Valencia team has made some changes in its programme and they have update the post introducing the new version of the pilot at the botton. So, if you want, you can listen the new version and compare with the first one. I think that the most important changes are in the beginning of the programme.
    Best regards. Paco Núñez.

  8. Team Antwerp

    Hi chicas y chico!

    We really enjoyed listening to your enthusiastic radioprogramme! Loved the energy of your presentation. We cannot wait for you guys to get here, so we can have fun creating a new programme about sustainability.

    We’ve also already made a lot of plans for you to visit Antwerp and its most beautiful places, so you can immediately feel like home :).

    See you soon!
    Un beso!

  9. Team Antwerp

    PS: If you have got any requests of places you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to visit, please let us know! It is our pleasure!


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