Hello from Sofia

Hi guys! We are the team from Bulgaria.


Here you can listen to our pilot:

ARTCOSIS – Sofia Team Pilot

Enjoy our radio show. We’ve included only contemporary Bulgarian music. The idea behind our product is that Artcosis is a weekly radio show for artfreaks. We focus on culture because culture builds the bridges between people.



6 thoughts on “Hello from Sofia”

  1. Dear students from Sofia

    I just listened to ‘Artcosis’ with great pleasure and also asked the Flemish students to fill in the evaluations, so your programme is being listened to!

    The Bulgarian way of radiomaking is of different from Belgian radiojournalism, but if we compare with the other pilots your mixture of word and music is closest to our radioprogrammes. Of course it is precisely to find out these differences that we organise the IP-days. You’ll hear soon enough how our pilot will sound: the radiostudents broadcast live and post it on Monday 18 February.

    I thought you asked really interesting questions and the three hosts were clearly present and guided the listeners perfectly through the programme with detailed explanations and referring back and further to the programme and its content. In the beginning I have to admit I didn’t really understand the direct link with sustainability, but later on it became more clear. I particularly liked your music choice and the concluding commentary. I am not really a fan of vox pops but I think you managed very well with interesting questions
    By the way: you also solved the annoying translation problem well through the English dubbing.

    I really look forward to working in mixed international teams and dealing with the intercultural differences in radiomaking.

    See you soon in Belgium and do bring along some of your Bulgarian music!

  2. Well well well…hello our lovely neighbors..I’m Can from the Turkish radio team of Anadolu University. Regarding your programm which was evaluated by you in a different way. To be honest, I was suprised that you worked on culturel bridges. But, I like your radio programm very much. Especially, transitions between the parts in the spot like musics, voxpops with the people etc. To be more precise, I like the whole programm and your approach the sustainability. Looking forward to work on new spot with you in Belgium. Greetings from Turkey-Eskisehir to all of you.

    with my warm regards..


  3. Hi! I’m Teresa, from the spanish team. I’ve heard your show and I think that it’s interesting how you use the music on the show, because it becomes a very important piece of the interviews, transitions and also it helps for doing the programme funnier and to let the contents “breath”. In addition, I have enjoyed the bulgarian songs, and it’s a good oportunity for knowing your contemporary music.

    Kind regards and see you in March!

    Teresa Díaz

  4. José Ángel Cuadrado

    Dear Bulgarian friends,

    I writte you from Valencia and I,m really looking forward to getting to know you in Amberes. It would be impossible to make such a program in Spain, where music sounds for too long in the transitions. However, truth is that I really like how the programm sounds.

    Kind regards and see you soon.

  5. Team Antwerp

    Hi, Bulgaria!

    We absolutely loved the music you used in your pilot! It made us all dance :). We really liked it, because it’s most similar to our kind of radio-making. We’re looking forward to working with you guys, and create a new and intresting programme about sustainability (with a lot of good music!).

    We’ve also already made plans for you to visit the city of Antwerp and all of its beautiful places, so you can immediately feel like home :)!

    See you soon!

  6. Team Antwerp

    PS: If you have got any requests of places you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to visit, please let us know! It is our pleasure!


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